Donald T**** is a man who has no moral or social conscience, empathy, or remorse. He is a brazen pathological liar, a depraved and shameless con man, bigot and sociopathic criminal. Under-educated, crude and vulgar. Unsophisticated and unschooled in history, government, science or the arts, he has no respect for the Constitution and In January he will swear to uphold laws for which he has no respect. To make matters worse, he clearly has emotional and cognitive deficiencies as well.
For over 250 years, Americans have presumed to believe that the presidency was more than the man who held that office. Rather, it was one institution of government, with checks and balances to assure that it remained a co-equal one. Clearly, this was not his understanding. So having experienced the incompetence and chaos of his first presidency, in 2020 we righteously voted him out of office. That judgment was vindicated by his criminal attempt to steal the election on Jan. 6 and defy the voice of the people.
Say what you will about how the Democrats blew what should have been a clear opportunity to retain the presidency. They just didn’t. What happened? Where does the blame lie? Media pundits have advanced a number of theories and assessments. They may all be true, or maybe none of them are. It may not matter. In the end, that answer may defy logical reasoning; his attraction runs much deeper than his fanciful political posturing.
But the fact is that over a period of four years we had witnessed and learned about Donald T**** all we needed to witness and learn. And since he made no secret of his plan to usurp power and rule with autocratic authority should he be elected, that left us with no rational excuse for returning to the office of President of the United States, with the operative word being “rational.”
And I submit that there is only one rational response to this travesty.
#One Path Forward.
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