“First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for…..……” —Marton Neimöller, 1946.
These infamous words illustrate the essence of Edward Burke’s warning that the only thing needed for evil to rise is for good people to do nothing. However, history suggests to me a contemporary take on Neimòller’s warning. I submit:
“First he came for the undocumented immigrants and I spoke out even though I am not an undocumented immigrant.
Then he came for the Muslims and I spoke out even though I am not Muslim.
Then he came for LBGTQ+ people and I spoke out even though I am not lesbian, bisexual, gay or trans.
Then he came for those who had spoken or worked against him and I spoke out because I have spoken against him.
Then he came for me, and I will never stop speaking out against him, not ever, even if there is no-one left so speak for me. — Andrew J Bernhard, 2025.
And one more famous quote: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” – George Santayana.
With the rise of Donald T****’s pretensions of dictatorship, we must believe Burke’s wisdom, take heed of Santayana’s warning and rise above Neimöller’s weakness; there is only one way to synthesize these three quotations. Only one way to protect and preserve the freedoms our Founding Fathers so hopefully bequeathed to us. Only One Path Forward.
#OnePath Forward
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