The Bernhard Perspective


At his inauguration, Donald T*** raised his right hand and swore that he would faithfully uphold  laws of the United States. However, being a man of little faith, he clearly had no intention of doing anything of the kind. 

Some examples: Since he took office, he has illegally impounded billions of dollars signed into law by Congress. He has shut down and purported to eliminate agencies lawfully created by Congress. He has illegally fired tens of thousands of government officials and employees without the authority to do so. He has claimed to have to altered or eliminated Constitutional amendments, something which no one person can do.

All these things he has done simply by fiat, by a wave of his hand, by issuing orders, “edicts” and “proclamations” as if he were royalty or worse. And all in contravention of laws that he had sworn he would uphold.

Virtually all of these actions are being challenged in court. Most of these challenges are being upheld in lower courts for the simple reason that T**** is acting in violation of the law. 

However, since he obviously has no concern for the rule of law, It is likely that he will simply ignore the lawful orders of the lower courts, something has already begun to do so. Appeals will ultimately go to the Supreme Court.

T**** would appear to believe he has that court on his side. And if not, to paraphrase Andrew Jackson on a state’s rights ruling, T****’s position will likely be “[the courts} have made their decisions, now let them enforce them.”

The Executive branch is expected to enforce the rulings of the Supreme Court. Outright refusal is quite rare; such action by a president in peacetime has occurred only once, by Andrew Jackson in 1832. (President Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus during the Civil War in 1861 in violation of a Supreme Court ruling.) In modern times, no U.S. President has flatly refused to execute a Supreme Court order. 

One of the bedrock principles of the American way of life is that no man is above the law. If the president deliberately and with malice fails to preform his Constitutional duty, he is putting himself above the law, and our system of governance teeters on the edge.

However, the destruction of our democracy is T****’s objective so that he can achieve his goal: full autocratic, dictatorial power. That is Donald T****’s objective; that is his goal.

The goal of those who love our American democracy and way of government must necessarily be to stop him. This is best done at the ballot box. In the meantime, there is another necessary way. Another path to follow. One Path Forward. 





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