The Bernhard Perspective

On Friday, January 31, T**** administration officials began releasing water from two dams in California in a move that is  intended to take political advantage of a disaster.

Claiming that California has access to great amounts of water from the Pacific Northwest and Canada,T**** has repeatedly insisted that the Los Angeles fires could have been extinguished had California Governor Gavin Newsom released more water from the north. 

That is a lie. Californias has no access to water in other states or nations, and there are no pipelines or viaducts to bring it into the state even if it did.

T**** has also claimed that the governor could have solved water shortages with the turn of a valve if California were less concerned about endangered fish species. That, too, is a lie.

The releases have sent water not to Los Angeles, but into low-lying farmland in the Central Valley. None of it will reach Southern California. Boasting that he had “just entered the Great State of California and, “under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER,” T*** has claimed “victory,”

Experts expressed both surprise and dismay, saying that releasing water now, in the middle of winter, served little use for its intended recipients, farmers who will need it in the spring

Once again, T**** tells lies in order to create a fantasy situation that doesn’t exist. Then he makes divisive pronouncements and takes needles and dangerous actions which wouldn’t help even if he wasn’t lying. Then, with smug satisfaction, he proclaims himself a genius, a savior and a victor. 

However, Donald T**** is neither savior nor genius nor victor. He is a lying, stupid idiot. 





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