The Bernhard Perspective


President T**** made his claim to autocracy clear on Saturday, February 15, in this social media post: “He who saves his Country violates no Law.” This phrase, attributed to Napoleon, signals Trump’s  intention to assume one-man rule. This is Trump’s leadership principle,

This principle goes by another name — The Führer Principle. This was the foundation of Nazi Germany’s government and a key characteristic of a fascist state. It was how the Supreme Leader’s will was transformed into law, and how a duly elected Chancellor became a tyrant. 

In pursuit of this power, T**** has issued an executive order giving himself and the attorney general direct authority over numerous regulatory agencies. These agencies will be required to take orders from the president and gain approval from him for regulations or actions they propose. The president and attorney general will also retain the power to interpret the law for executive branch actions. 

These agencies were established by Congress as semi-independent, and T****’s actions will be challenged in the courts. T***** is assuming that the Supreme Court is on his side. 

That may very well be true. But the Court has not ruled that a president can violate the law, only that he cannot be held criminally accountable if he does. T**** has said that he will abide by decisions of the courts, but T**** is a liar.

After first denying any knowledge of it, T**** has admitted that he is following the Project 2025 plan for a Conservative coup and his ascension to autocratic rule. That is what is happening now. 

Those who love our democracy and wish to keep it have only one way to stop this naked grab for dictatorial power. Only one way to fight back. Only One Path Forward.






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