The Bernhard Perspective


Vice President JD Vance, along with his wife and their three children, headed off to a ski resort in Vermont as part of a planned vacation.They were met by hundreds of loud protesters standing in the cold and snow, lining the road and holding a sea of signs calling Vance a “traitor,” telling him, among other things, to “f**k” off” and “go ski in Russia.”

This is as it should be.

I do feel badly for his family. His kids are quite young, cannot understand and did not pick this slimy jerk as their father. And his wife most likely had a completely different idea of what her life was going to be.

But Vance? Not in the slightest. In fact, I believe he needs to be reminded every time he dares to show his face in public what a small-minded, mealy mouthed and pathetic excuse he is for a vice president he really is. His boss has already figured it out.

It is a lesson learned decades ago by another much reviled, vilified and disdained president, Lyndon Johnson. It got so bad for Lyndon that the only way he could travel around the country was from one Air Force Base to another, and then sweep into town protected by a huge motorcade. And even then, lines of police had to keep angry crowds back in front of his hotel.

This needs to happen to both these guys, all the time. They need to be reminded every time they stick their heads out in public that we know they lied to the American people during the campaign, we know they’re lying to us now and we know they will always lie to us. We know the they are little more than pathetic excuses for autocratic wannabes.

They must be remind that we know they have abandoned the concept of free, democratic rule, and that they have aligned themselves and our country with the most vile and murderous dictators in the world. And that we know they are trashing our country’s singular, sterling reputation as Ronald Reagan’s “Shining city on a hill.”

We know that this must stop and we know that we must be the ones to stop it. We know that we cannot be afraid and we know that we have no choice. We know there is only one course of action for us to take. There is only One Path Forward.




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