The Bernhard Perspective


Donald T**** has alleged more than once that he wishes he had generals like Hitler’s generals. I sincerely doubt that he understands the concept of irony, let alone how it applies here., 

History records that after the initial success of the Blitzkrieg, Germany’s generals lost every essential battle of WW II, starting with the Battle of the Atlantic and the Battle of Britain. Their armies were kicked off the African continent and surrendered in Italy. Their vaunted Atlantic Wall was breached in less than 24 hours and their invasion of Russia was a catastrophic failure. Eventually, the Allies defeated the Wehrmacht on both fronts.

And the Irony? Above all else Donald denigrates losers. And the truth is that Hitler’s generals lost their war. 

Also, the primary attribute Donald demands from his subordinates is loyalty, and he apparently believes that Hitler’s generals were loyal to him. But the truth is that his highest ranking officers held him in low regard and were involved in no less than 5 assassination attempts against him. In fact, a pair of his field marshals were aware of two of these attempts, yet neither of them thought to report it to their Führer. 

I suspect that what T**** really admires has to do with style rather than substance. Shallow and superficial in all things, he is most likely impressed with the Nazi general’s stiff, sharp uniforms and the way they are portrayed in movies with their disciplined, military correctness. He admires the way they are always snapping their heels together and delivering stiff-armed “Hiel Hitler” salutes all the time. Nothing impresses an autocratic more than servile obsequiousness.

But the truth is not in the movies or perceptions but in history, which is where the fate of the Führer and his generals is sealed. So when to comes to Donald T*** and his desire for generals like Hitler’s, I am mindful of the old adage, 

 “Be careful what you wish for. You just may get it.”





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